I’m back – what am I reading?

Hey fellow readers! How’s it going? I’ve been taking a little break for a while but I felt like checking back in. I’ve been reading a bunch, working on health issues, and gardening a bit. So what am I reading now?


Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman – Love this series! I can’t believe how much I forgot and how awesome this book is. Sometimes a reread is disappointing, but not this one!

Library book:

Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu. I’m trying to finish this up for the Asian readathon, but I just started it today. Not what I expected, but funny already.

Books I own:

The Winds of Marble Arch by Connie Willis. A collection of sci-fi/fantasy themed short stories by one of my favorite authors. I got this for Mother’s Day and I’m enjoying it.

The Hidden Half of Nature: The Microbial Roots of Life and Health by David R. Montgomery and Anne Bikle. I always like to have a non-fiction book going and this is my current pick. I’m barely into it, but it’s very promising.