Feel Good Friday

Johannes_GutenbergToday’s post is all about reasons for readers to feel good.

Let’s start with this guy. His name was Johannes Gutenberg. He was born around 1400 and sometime later, decided to try his hand at coming up with  a new way of making books. So he invented new ink, new movable type, and a printing press that combined everything. Thanks to him, people could afford to buy books. Before that, everything had to be written by hand. After he came along, you could print multiple copies of a book in the same time it took you to finish one chapter! So blame him for your out of control TBR list!


Next, I want to thank this guy – Andrew Carnegie. He wasn’t the first to come up with the library idea, but he sure made it big in the United States. Over 2500 libraries were built all over the world thanks to money he donated. I don’t know if I’ve ever been to an actual Carnegie library, but thanks to him, politicians realized that a library was a positive thing for a community. They began to plan on building them for their towns. And libraries today are more relevant than ever, serving not just as sources of free books, but as meeting places and centers of community outreach.


Finally, I want to thank Sesame Street. For me personally, Sesame Street has been a big part of my life. When I was little, I was in a car accident where I broke my leg and had to be in a body cast. With nothing else to pass the time, I watched TV and thanks to Big Bird and the gang, I learned how to read. By the time I started kindergarten, I already knew how to read some basic words. It just took off from there, and I’ve been reading ever since.

There you go! That’s my Feel Good stuff for Friday. Have a great weekend!

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